Hi! I'm CriptoHacking, a Human

Always in movement // Always creating
// Hacking and Cryptocurrency.


It all started when I installed linux for the first time in December 2021. I installed ParrotOS and started my way in this world. So far I had done introductory courses to LINUX and introduction to HACKING and PYTHON programming also flirting with BASH. Until I came to Hack4u.io academy and I raised the level so much that in this 2023 I hope to get my first certification. next goal = EjPTv2

Certificate of introduction to Linux hack4u.io

Certificado Python Offensive

Certificate of introduction to Hacking hack4u.io


Hacking Ético Ofensivo. 100% Practico en Red Team. +42hs


What I want ?

I want to keep growing and practicing to seek more certifications and increase the level to perform in the best way in a company or in Bug Bounty..